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Moher Rosa Vůjtechová was born on 21st of October in Obora u Radobytec – a village in the south of the Czech Republic. She was deeply religious and she felt compassion for the suffering of ohers since her childhood . She contemplated the suffering of Christ intensively and early she felt a desire to help others to find salvation. At 16, she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo. She provided home care for the ill, especially for the maecenases of the congregation. Though, she felt she had not completed her vocation. She desired for more ascetic life and she wanted to serve to the poorest ones. In 1911 she was sent to Brno where she cared for the sick and poor. She found this an opportunity  to fulfill her desires. In 1915 Mother Rosa and Pavol Huyn, the bishop of Brno, set up the Congregation of the Sisters Consolers of the Devine Heart of Jesus. They cared for the sick and lonely people for free and tried to guide them toward salvation of their souls. Mother Rosa Vůjtechová build a big monastery in Rajhrad u Brna and twelve branch houses in various towns in Bohemia and Morava. At the end of the WWII Rajhrad was under siege and the lives of the sisters were in danger. Mother Rosa had offered her life to God so that the sisters survived. It seems that God recieved her sacrifice. All of the sisters were safe and Mother Rosa died a few months later, on 5th of September 1945.